Tito Livio
27 Gennaio 2019
27 Gennaio 2019interpretato da Luigi Gaudio
Knocking on heaven’s door video su you tube, disponibile anche il testo con accordi in jpg
Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right – Cover video su you tube
In principio era Dylan video su you tube, scarica anche il Canovaccio in word dello spettacolo e le Slide in power point
Blowing in the wind cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
A hard rain’s gonna fall cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
It ain’t me babe cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
I shall be released cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
Forever young cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
Precious angel cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
I believe in you cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
When he returns cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
Man gave names to all the animals cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
Love minus zero/no limit cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
Do right to me baby (do unto others) cover Bob Dylan video su you tube
Catch the wind cover Donovan video su you tube
Joan Baez
Baez Joan
Carole King
Will you love me tomorrow cover Carole King video su you tube