Storia romana
27 Gennaio 2019
La metamorfosi
27 Gennaio 2019VIDEO La fine dell’impero romano 2F videolezione scolastica di Luigi Gaudio su youtube, con il testo della lezione in inglese e in italiano
AUDIO La fine dell’impero romano 2F lezione scolastica del prof. Gaudio in mp3, disponibile anche in formato wma, con il testo della lezione in inglese e in italiano
In December 406 the Rhine is frozen. At this point, the people who were at the frontiers of the ‘ Roman Empire can cross them with women and children , looting and destroying what they find in front of him . This fact marks the beginning of the end for the ‘ Roman Empire .
Then, when the directors of the Emperor Honorius , jealous of the power of Stilicho , convince lì’imperatore to persecute and kill them, they are probably the only defender to die yet able to prevent the catastrophe . In fact, immediately after the Visigoths under Alaric besieged Rome , and pl’under .
Then the successor of Alaric lead his people in Gallia Narbonensis , which constitute one of the Barbaric Kingdoms in Gaul.
Another population coming from the steppes of China , the Huns , put to fire and sword ‘s Italy , and was stopped only by the intervention of diplomatic Pope Leo the Great.
The valiant general Ezio he was killed by the emperor Valentinian III and soon after, in 455 , the Vandals invaded Rome .
Finally in 476 A.D. Odoacer , chief of the Germanic tribes , deposed the last emperor , Romulus Augustus , and sent the imperial insignia to Constantinople , since he had no use was made only appoint patrician.
VIDEO La fine dell’impero romano 2F videolezione scolastica di Luigi Gaudio su youtube, con il testo della lezione in inglese e in italiano
AUDIO La fine dell’impero romano 2F lezione scolastica del prof. Gaudio in mp3, disponibile anche in formato wma, con il testo della lezione in inglese e in italiano