TERZA PROVA – INGLESE The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by S.T.Coleridge Data: Candidato: Part I “At length did cross an Albatross, Thorough the fog it […]
TERZA PROVA – INGLESE Data: Candidato: Heart of Darkness by J.Conrad 1. What does Heart of Darkness” tell about? Give a short summary of the story. […]
Prova, compito in classe, TERZA PROVA – INGLESE KUBLA KHAN by S.T.Coleridge terza prova n.2, a cura della prof.ssa Mara Masseroni Data: Candidato: KUBLA KHAN by […]
TERZA PROVA – INGLESE Data: Candidato: 1. The last decade of 18th century, coinciding with the birth of Romanticism, was characterised by severe political, economic and […]
TERZA PROVA – INGLESE · Describe the shift from Neo-classicism to Romanticism focussing on the different literary themes Answer in no less of 60 words · […]